5 Engaging Toys For Your Toddler (1-4 Years Old)

TLDR: Teaching toddlers to entertain themselves can help build creativity, boost critical thinking skills, build a natural curiosity, and develop self-confidence.  

Let’s be honest, we’ve all been there, you’ve got a million things left to do around the house and your kid won’t give you a second of free time to complete them. You try giving him that Baby Yoda you got for Christmas but that doesn’t seem to interest him. So you try that dancing-singing Baby Shark toy you bought after reading all those great reviews on Amazon but that only gets you 2 minutes before your baby’s clawing at your leg for attention again.

So what do we do? we turn to what seems to be the last and only option, Television. We feel guilty about it but with the plethora of content on YouTube, it’s just the easiest way to keep our kids entertained for more than a few minutes so that we can actually get some work done.

While a little screen time isn’t the end of the world, it would be far more beneficial for your toddler’s development if they could learn to play independently and keep themselves occupied for long stretches of time. In fact, teaching toddlers to entertain themselves can help build creativity, boost critical thinking skills, build a natural curiosity, and develop self-confidence. 

Here are our top 5 toys that will keep your 2 Year Old engaged and learning at the same time (and leave parents feeling guilt free too!):

1. Puzzle (Wooden)

This 9 Piece wood puzzle is the perfect way to introduce your little one to problem solving. This set includes 6 cute animal puzzles including a panda and zebra. The puzzle pieces are designed to be thicker than your average puzzle so that it’s more suitable for your toddler, who is still developing their fine motor skills. Your toddler’s fingers may not be able to place the puzzle pieces together yet so be sure to help them practice until they can do it on their own.  After a few weeks, you’ll be surprised at how much their dexterity has improved.  Puzzles help build concentration, self-confidence and problem solving abilities. So once they’ve mastered this 9 piece puzzle, go ahead and get them more advanced ones!

2. Water Play Table

The perfect outdoor activity for your little one on a hot day.  Watch your child splash, pour, scoop, and play with this toy for hours as they discover the joy of water. Water tables improve fine and gross motor skills, promote creativity, and believe it or not, serve as the building blocks for understanding the basic concepts of physics. Have some friends over and they’ll learn how to let loose in a safe manner and play with others.

Pro Tip: Add some organic food coloring into the water for some added fun!

3. Play Kitchen Set

Kids absolutely love imitating their parents. Many of the habits and ideas they eventually develop are a direct result of such imitation. That’s why this lovely little wooden kitchen play set is the perfect toy for your curious growing child. It comes complete with a pretend sink, microwave, stove and even a water dispenser! Whether it’s something as simple as pretending to wash a cup or complex as making a five course meal, your child’s imagination is running wild!  All the while building excellent habits in organization, planning, and communication. 

4. Magnetic Fishing Toy

This colorful little toy is jam packed with fun. A 4 in 1 magnetic fishing toy that allows your toddler to stack, sort, count, and of course, fish! It’s also jam packed with developmental benefits for your child too. Playing these challenging games will improve fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, color identification, organization abilities, and very importantly, build concentration and focus. The best approach to teaching your child how to play this toy is to first show them how to do it, then let them give it a go. If they’re having trouble, offer help, this is meant to be challenging but once they get the hang of it, they won’t stop until they’ve emptied the pond…and to be honest, it’s pretty fun for adults too!

5. Mops and Brooms

Go to any Montessori school for toddlers and you’ll see this pretend clean up play set. This 6 piece set includes a kiddie sized broom, mop, duster and much more. As mentioned before, kids love to imitate their parents. With this clean up set, your child will learn valuable skills in keeping organized, picking up after themselves, and also helping others. Assembly is simple and you’ll be shocked at how much your child will love this. Whether this love carries on into their adult years is another discussion!

Pro Tip: Give your child tasks by putting blocks or a splash of water on the floor and have them clean it up. They’ll feel a sense of accomplishment once they’ve completed the task!

It may take some time to ease your child into being a more independent player but the payoff is well worth it. Your toddler will have fun learning and you will finally have time to get to that to-do list! (Or you know, put your feet up and relax a bit, you deserve it)

Unsolicited Parenting Advice

Don’t pay too much attention to recommended ages on these things. You know your child the best so use your parental instinct when it comes to buying toys. Kids are capable of a lot more than we think and you’ll be surprised what they can do if you push them a little beyond the comfort zone

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